Tez Anderson
Let's Kick ASS — AIDS Survivor Syndrome
San Francisco, CA
Tez Anderson has been living with HIV for nearly 40 years. The founder of Let’s Kick ASS—Survivor Syndrome—the first nonprofit focused on the needs and issues facing HIV long-term survivors—he’s been an activist for over 40 years, on LGBTQ Rights in Atlanta in 1981, and in 1986 Tez became an AIDS advocate. Being a lifelong outsider helps him fill the gaps others overlook. He coined and defined “AIDS Survivor Syndrome” and started the annual June 5th HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day (HLTSAD)in 2014. His current focus is on ending isolation and improving the quality of life for HIV long-term survivors and Older Adults with HIV. He was on the Research Advisory Council for ACRIA’s Research on Older Adults with HIV study (ROAH 2.o). Tez serves on SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition, works with the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, is on the Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) for the CDC and is a U=U Ambassador.
He has appeared on NBC’s “Today” show and “20/20” on ABC. He is featured in the docuseries “PRIDE 1990s: The Culture Wars” on FX on HULU and documentaries on the BBC and Channel 4 in the UK. His radio interviews include “Fresh Air with Terry Gross” and “The Takeaway” with Mellissa Harris-Perry. He was featured in “People” magazine in 1990 as a person living with HIV.