Matthew Lesieur
Executive Director
Staten Island, NY
Matthew Lesieur, MA joined iHealth as Executive Director in November of 2018. He was Director of Public Policy at VillageCare, a large multi-service non-profit health care provider that offers services to the frail elderly and person living with HIV/AIDS and other chronic, complex conditions. In that role, he was responsible for working to establish, direct and implement local, state national public policies that impact on the lives of persons living with multiple chronic health conditions. He is active in a variety of committees and workgroups, including the Brooklyn Health Home’s (BHH) Governance, Community Care Management Partners (CCMP) Governance, and Queens Coordinated Care Partners Governance Committee.
Matthew Lesieur is currently a Mayoral appointee to the New York HIV Health and Human Services Planning Council, which is responsible for setting priorities and determining how $100 million in federal Ryan White Part A funds awarded to the New York EMA is spent. He was unanimously elected community co-chair of the Planning Council, a term that goes until 2018, and then re-elected as chair for a second three-year term that ends in 2020.
Past work has included: former Vice President of Public Policy at the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA), Director of Public Policy for the New York AIDS Coalition, an HIV/AIDS advocacy group representing 150+ community based AIDS service providers throughout New York State, the HOPWA Administrator for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, where he and a small team managed the City’s $60 million HOPWA program.
Mr. Lesieur has a Masters of Political Science from the University at Albany and undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Economics at the University at Albany.